What is the Heritage Grant Program?
Section 39 of the Ontario Heritage Act allows municipalities to provide grants for the purposes of paying for the whole or any part of the cost of alteration or other works which have the effect of conserving and maintaining the heritage attributes associated with a Designated property.
Eligible properties must be “Designated” under Part IV or V of the Ontario Heritage Act. Township By-law 2014-100 sets out the criteria and policies surrounding eligibility and access to the Heritage Grant Program. A Heritage Financial Incentive Program will encourage private sector investment into the preservation of heritage properties. By encouraging healthy stewardship of heritage properties across the Township, this investment could act as a catalyst to neighbourhood renewal, sustainable development, and overall economic prosperity.
By providing financial incentives to property owners to maintain and restore their property this can help to combat what is commonly referred to as “demolition by neglect”. Many municipalities have found that the majority of heritage designations have occurred when a heritage incentive program was available. This suggests that property owners are much more likely to consider heritage designation if financial incentives for proper maintenance and restoration are available.
To find out more information about whether your property is eligible for Designation, please contact the Heritage Coordinator.
To apply for a Heritage Grant, please fill out a Heritage Permit with the supporting documentation as identified. The Heritage Permit application will be reviewed by staff in consultation with the Heritage Advisory Committee. Once a recommendation has been identified, a report to Council will be prepared for a decision.